December 18 -- Lenhart & Landrock & Live Chat (Lou)

A long walk through what turned out to be a district of auto parts and car repair was still compelling due to bits of wonderful downtown architecture.  And like so many of these walks, almost by chance, you’re back on familiar turf.  The day before I’d made an honest effort to find the iconic Lenhart & Landrock bookstore.  Today, I discovered it wholly by accident, thanks to a one square foot hand written sign nestled in the branches of a tree.  I’d walked past it how many times.  Granted, the address was different than what the website said and it was located on the first floor with no street level signage but other than that, why was it so hard to find? 

Books weigh down ones luggage so unless they’re really compelling, my focus goes toward paper and to that end, some fun finds were bought.  Oh, and a very useful street map; great for orientation and fun discovering.  Who knew there was a botanical garden?

Wanting to replenish my cash, I was shocked that the ATM kept saying I’d reached my daily limit.  Even on a day I hadn’t used it.  An email to Bangor Savings brought about a look-see into the problem and a live-chat suggested all was well on their end.  Alas, the most secure ATM in all of Cairo was sadly under the weather.  While awaiting Bangor’s response, what with the difference in time, I went to the theatre that I’m used to approaching from the front but on today’s earlier walk, turns out from behind, it borders the car part/car repair district.  Took advantage of the theatre to see Jamanji, for £50+15 for 3D glasses.  Who knew it was in 3D.  Who knew that the projectionist would just stop the film to sell popcorn.  A walk back to my favorite tea alley and another experiment in street food was followed by mango-chili sorbet where the waiters asked: Where’s Roger?
